Covid-19 Resources
We have included various resources relative to Covid-19 for your reference.
CARES Act Summary
Click here to view a summary of changes provided through the CARES Act as part of an Economic Relief Plan for Individuals and Businesses.
These links will take you to the applicable state to view the requirements and apply for unemployment. Please note, you may be eligible for an additional $600 per week payments as part of the CARES Act.
Click here to be directed to the Massachusetts website to apply for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance.
Click here to be directed to the Connecticut website to File for Unemployment Benefits.
Stimulus Payment Tracker
The Internal Revenue Service has created a tool that allows individuals to check the status of their Economic Impact Payment. Click here to access the IRS website. Once there you will click the “Get My Payment” button and follow the prompts.
PPP Loan Information
Congress allocated $349 billion for the Paycheck Protection Program which is meant to help small businesses that have been impacted by the pandemic. The initial round of funding was exhausted within two weeks and Congress has allocated another $310 billion. Click here to view information related to the PPP Loan. Click here to access FAQ’s for lenders and borrowers. Once there you will click “Download PDF” for the latest guidance through answered questions.
Federal Filing and Payment Deadlines
Click here to view question and answers related to the Federal Filing and Payment Deadlines. This resource provides detail of what has and what has not been extended.
State Filing and Payment Deadlines
Massachusetts and Connecticut have extended the individual income tax filing deadline to July 15th. Additionally, both states have moved the first and second estimates normally due April 15th and June 15th to July 15th as well.